
Weddings in Salzburg

A Wedding in Salzburg is unique!   

Every year thou­sands of peo­ple get mar­ried in the city of Salzburg, in a unique set­ting which is char­ac­ter­ized by baroque build­ings and the beauty of the town. If you too dream about having your wed­ding in Salzburg, then you are look­ing in the right place. We have every­thing to make your day a truly unfor­get­table expe­ri­ence. Say yes to a wed­ding in Salzburg and let us astound you with our spe­cial Wedding-Highlights. Unique to Salzburg High­lights, we will trans­form your spe­cial day into some­thing you can really treasure. These high­lights, which include our Wed­ding coach which is in fact a Lon­don double-decker bus as well our exclu­sive wed­ding facil­i­ties in the Fortress (high above the city with divine views of the old town and surroundings) are unique and will impress not only the bridge and groom, but also family and friends. It will be a day full of lasting impressions, without an equal.

Contact for weddings in Mirabell Palace

Wedding ceremonies in Mirabell Palace take place on Tuesday's and Friday's between 08:00 and 11:40 and on Saturday's between 09:00 and 13:40.

Registry Office Salzburg - Mirabell Palace
Mirabellplatz 4, 5024 Salzburg
Tel. 0043(0)662 8072-3510, Fax 0043(0)662 8072-2060

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