

Are you look­ing for a unique prod­uct for unique moments such as com­pany par­ties, birth­days, wed­dings, prod­uct launches or other events? Book our Eng­lish double-decker bus and you are sure of being seen.

A brief descrip­tion of our Lon­don double-decker bus: Bris­tol Lodekka FLF, built in 1964, car­ry­ing up to 61 peo­ple. The bus is equipped with a refrig­er­a­tor and small tables in the upper floor. In terms of music, you have a sound system (including microphone) at your disposal.
Gerne können Sie den englischen Doppeldeckerbus auch individuell beschriften lassen, z.B. mit den Vornamen von Braut und Bräutigam.

You are wel­come to have indi­vid­ual signs or ban­ners put up on our Eng­lish double-decker bus, e.g. the first names of the bride and groom.

For adver­tis­ing pur­poses, there are two large exter­nal adver­tis­ing spaces of 550 cm x 50cm as well as another space for adver­tis­ing on the front area of approx­i­mately 190 x 60 cm

Sim­ply send us an inquiry to londonbus(xmsAt)salzburghighlights(xmsDot)com

Due to pop­u­lar demand, we require timely requests for Salzburg’s unique attrac­tion.

Please under­stand that our his­toric Eng­lish double-decker bus is not in use between mid-November and mid-March.

London Doppeldecker Bus für jeden Anlass
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