
Hellbrunn Exclusive Tour

01.05. - 25.10.

Unique to Salzburg, this tour com­bines exclu­sive high­lights in the city of Mozart. Take a river­boat cruise to Hell­brunn from the Old Town and expe­ri­ence the land­scape from a unique and fas­ci­nat­ing point of view. Upon arrival at the jetty in Hell­brunn, our Lon­don double-decker bus will already be there waiting for you, to take you on the 5-minute drive to the Hellbrunn Palace.

Included in the ticket price is express entry to the world-famous trick water foun­tains. After the tour, you’ll still have time for an exclu­sive look around the chambers of the palace with an audio guide. At the end of your visit, you meet with “your per­sonal chauf­feur” to take you directly back to the start­ing point of your jour­ney, the jetty in the old city.

Included in the price:

  • Boat cruise
  • Transfer to Hellbrunn Palace
  • Express entry to the trick water fountains
  • Sightseeing Trip to Hellbrunn Palace
  • Return Journey with the London Double-decker bus

Price per person: EUR 43,00

Departure: Landingstation Altstadt (Makartsteg)
Duration: approx. 2,5 hours

Still have any questions? Feel free to ask us!
Simply call us or send us an e-mail.
We’ll make a fantastic experience out of your stay in Salzburg!

Schiff-Fahrt (Hellbrunn Exklusiv)
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